Why Traders Blame the Market ?


Mostly it is observed that Traders blame the market when they lose the trade. Traders appreciate the market when it moves in their direction and they get angry and blame the market when it moves in their opposite direction.

Actually market is always there to give you profit. It is you how you trade the market and get profit from it. Most of the traders enter in the market in a wrong way.

Major Reasons of Failure in Trading

If there is no trade set up according to your trading strategy then one should not enter the market. But still some traders enter the market and they lose their trade.

Traders know that they were wrong to enter the market but due to greed and lack of proper knowledge they enter the market in a wrong way and lose money and they blame the market .This is one of the major reasons why ninety percent of the traders fail in trading and they get exit from this beautiful industry.

It is totally wrong that successful traders win in each and every trade. I define trading as a combination of more winning trades and less losing trades which results in successful trading. To be a winner in trading you have to accept the stop loss happily. There might be no one in the world who has not lost his single trade. Every trader in the beginning has to travel the bridge of losses in trading. I have seen that to earn huge money in trading trader has to lose some money while trading.

Importance of Trading Psychology in Trading

Psychology plays very significant role in the profession of trading. Traders get panic if there stop loss is triggered. They change there mind set about the trading and break the rules of trading. This is the reason why traders fail in trading business.

Biggest Enemies in Trading

I observed that the biggest reason why traders fail in trading is due to Greed and Fear in trading. If the trader has fear then he can never enter the market cause of Fear.If the trader has greed then he never trade properly.He will not exit his position even if he is seeing the profits.He will wait for big and unrealistic targets which will result in major losses.

Importance of Position Size in Trading

I have seen that Position Sizing is biggest and major reason for failure in trading the markets.It is seen that many traders use there limits ten to fifteen times of there available fund. Actually traders wipe out there account by using more limits. They don’t have insufficient balance to trade the markets.Actually if you trade ten trades in a month out of which your seven trades may achieve the target and remaining three will hit the stop loss.But many traders due to using more limits they spoil there funds in the initial three to four trades.Therefore they can’t trade the remaining six to seven trades which they might achieve the targets and earn good profits.

Use Proven Strategy in Trading.

I experienced that market is always right.It is up to you when to enter the market and when not to enter the market.Therefore use the strategy that works frequently whose accuracy is more and trade the market by strictly following the position sizing rule and money management rule to get better results in trading.

Finally Market is always right.

Happy Trading

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