Role of Psychology and Trading Strategy while Trading the Markets

Psychology Plays most significant role while Trading the Markets I experienced Psychology plays most vital role in Trading. I observed many traders do not follow their strategy for a long time. They apply the strategy for few days or few months and then they are busy for finding new trading strategy. Traders always spend most […]

Price action speaks with the Trader on the Price chart.

Language of the Market I think that everything in life has a certain language to express their emotions. Everything in the universe tells there story or can express their emotions in their own way. In the same way market also has a language to express their emotions or to explain their story what the market […]

Market is Always Right. Never Blame the Market

Why Traders Blame the Market ? Mostly it is observed that Traders blame the market when they lose the trade. Traders appreciate the market when it moves in their direction and they get angry and blame the market when it moves in their opposite direction. Actually market is always there to give you profit. It […]

Currency Trading the Most Prestigious Home Based Business in India

Currency Trading the Most Prestigious Home Based Business in India Everybody is busy for searching online home based business in this competitive word. You will find unlimited search results for online home based business, but unfortunately most of  them are fake and mostly are scams. My search stopped when I found the wonderful and most […]

Share Market Training Courses in Mumbai Pune Delhi Nagpur Nashik and Aurangabad

LEARN     TRADE      PROFIT MAKE  YOUR  CAREER IN TRADING  BUSINESS Learn share market trading course from professional full time trader using simple and easy techniques. Tradingstyle  introduces share market trading courses in Mumbai ,Pune ,Nagpur, Nashik ,Aurangabad and All over India using highly advance price action trading methods. Learn life changing one […]

Always Trade what you see in the Market , not what you think about the market.

I observed most of the traders trade emotionally.They don’t see the logic behind that particular trade.Many times traders think that more trading means earning more money  ,therefore they become crazy for finding trade set ups daily. Even if there is no trade set up according to there strategy still they become just crazy or panic […]

Traders say Trend Is Your Friend But I say Beginning Of Trend Is Your Friend.

Trade With The Flow Of Market. As shown in above picture Trade with the natural flow of the Market. Understand the flow of the market and go in that direction. Don’t resist the natural flow. Don’t go against the current . Always remember  identify the flow of market and  trade in the market direction. Trend […]

Top Reasons Why Ninety Five Per Cent Traders Fail in Trading Business

Trading Business is the Wonderful business in the world, Few things I experienced about crying or failure traders. Traders are not focused on trading . They focus only on Money , How much did they lose ? They are always busy in finding  new strategies , But they don’t apply  any one strategy at one time. […]