
There are many answers regarding to this question that whether trading can be taught or experienced.What my views are that trading is a industry which can be learned from successful Trader or mentor and then it can be experienced.

 There are two ways to learn the trading in the market one is that, most of the traders use i.e  they used to trade without gaining any knowledge of markets or without learning the basics of market.This kind of beginners wipe out there trading account in few failure trades and they learn from it.


Another way to learn the market is to learn from a successful trader or mentor.Just learn the strategies and basics of market and just duplicate what the successful traders are doing. So the easiest and safest way to learn the Trading is that learn from a successful Professional trader.Most of the failure traders learn by wiping there trading account.

Most of the traders learn trading strategies from successful traders but since the brain chemistry of every trader is different many traders inspite of learning successful strategies from mentors they are failure cause of there brain chemistry.

I found in trading using same strategy results always vary from person to person, since different brain chemistry and trading psychology inspite of using same strategy of trading results are varied.Some traders generate successful results while other traders using same logic fail to generate successful results. This is because of different trading psychology and different brain chemistry.

Trading depends on trading psychology. wider range of traders are thinking that trading is a business where they can become multi Billionaire in just couple of days.But it is not like that. Trading requires lot of afford and proper Knowledge.To become a medical doctor one needs to learn five year degree course and a two year practice to become a successful doctor.Same in trading also one needs to learn from successful trader and should undergo practice using small trading account and learn the basics thenafter after smart struggle one can master trading.

Failure Traders always follow others tips or advice and use to trade , they think that anyway they have to make money using other tips or advice and they make huge losses and then blame the system.Actually one should develop independent strategy for there trading.Traders should develop there own trading style which suits for them for trading.Traders can learn the strategy that works and stick to it.Many traders change the strategy of trading frequently, they are not consistent which results in failure in trading.

Successful traders follow the method of trading that works and they stick to that method consistently with proper planning and goal following the rules and discipline of trading which results making money consistently.Like other professional business trading is also a professional business which requires lot of attention with proper planning.

The most vital point to learn trading is that where to learn trading ????

You should learn trading only  from those who are successful professional traders those who trades regularly in the market , and not from those who don’t trade in the markets but they teach others to trade the market.

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Happy Trading