In trading industry no one will tell you the formula to become a successful trader and there is no specific one formula to be a successful trader. It is up to you how you understand the markets and you yourself have to find out the way to be a successful trader by your own  experience and journey in the field of trading.


You have to built the relationship with the markets . You have to understand the market habits in deep and you have to establish a feel with the markets. You should be able to listen the markets what story the market is telling you . you should be able to realize what market is going to do next based on the relationship with the markets. You should accept the markets as a friend and built a rhythm with it. This all is possible only if you are a dedicated and passionate trader and have decided to be anyhow successful in  trading unconditionally.  This is the reason why most of the traders leave this field very shortly after making few losses and this failure traders blame the system. Actually system is fully OK but the failure traders are not committed to  follow the trading rules.

Trading in Financial markets is a combination of art and science. If trading was only a science then it would have a market programming and automatically generate best results. But it is not like that because you will see that if two persons are applying the same strategy for the same trade , there results are different . This is because it requires a art for trading. If trading was only a science then multiple traders would programme their trade and would generate the same result , but it does not happen .

According to the different attitude or different thoughts of person to person the results in trading are different for the same trade. More then science it is observed that trading is an art. Therefore one has to develop good skills or art for trading the markets. You cannot develop your feel or rhythm with markets unless and until you enter the markets . You have to trade consistently for few months or years to understand or develop your feel with the markets.

Attitude makes the major difference in the trading. Trading is not the cup of tea for everyone. Trading requires some basic criteria to get fulfill for a trader. Ask few questions to yourself and then decide to choose this profession or not.

Are you passionate to become a Professional trader ?

Do you Love trading ?

Are you ready to follow trading rules strictly ?

Do you have unconditionally surrendered for trading profession ?

Are you being committed for your Goals ?

If the answers of above questions is ‘ YES ‘  , then you can enter this beautiful world of trading and you will be the achiever.

Overall trading is a combination of art as well as science .

If you like this article and got some knowledge about trading then please leave a comment below.

Enjoy Trading





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