
Trade With The Flow Of Market.

As shown in above picture Trade with the natural flow of the Market. Understand the flow of the market and go in that direction. Don’t resist the natural flow. Don’t go against the current .

Always remember  identify the flow of market and  trade in the market direction.

Trend play most significant role in trading.Once you identify the trend you can place your trades in the correct direction.Most Traders says that trend is the friend but I say the beginning of trend is your friend.

Many traders are busy in finding the trend using many popular indicators.There are hundreds of indicators to predict a trend.

When I started my career in trading I was also using the popular indicators to predict the trend.But I was not getting the  expected results most of the times.

I am not saying negative about the indicators because some selected indicators are really useful to predict the trend.

But when I found Price Action Strategy to find out the trend, it was more easy for me to find out the trend of the market  in any time frame and I got the wonderful results using Price Action method.

Price Action strategy is very easy and most effective to find out the correct trend of the market.It works on any time frame of the market.

Market creates Higher Highs (HH) and Higher Lows (HL) when it is in uptrend ,no matter any time frame chart it may be whether Five minute,fifteen minute, thirty minutes , one hour, four hour or daily chart. On any time frame chart If the market is in Uptrend it will create Higher Highs and Higher Lows.

In the same way market creates Lower High (LH) and Lower Lows (LL) when it is in downtrend.Time frame does not matters. Any time frame it may be it will create Lower Highs and Lower Lows if it is in downtrend.


Market can be only in two trends one is UPTREND and another is DOWNTREND as we discussed above. But the another trend of the market is known as SIDEWAY trend or the CONSOLIDATION phase of Market. In the SIDEWAY  market creates equal HIGH and equal LOWS.Almost the HIGHS and LOWS are on the equal level.




Price Action traders always get the signal before the big move of the market is going to happen.Price Action traders find the trend easily without using any kind of indicators.

Price action method is very easy to identify the trend in any time frame of the market.It requires only the price chart of any time frame and just your eyes to see the correct trend.

Most of the traders always find the complicated system to find out the trend. They think that if they use more difficult things they will get more success. But the fact is that success lies in simplicity.

If you use simple method to find out the trend you will get more accuracy and more success you will get. Therefore  use always simple method easy to use ,easy to understand and easy to apply.

According to universe before every big events are going to happen universe  creates a signal. Nothing happens suddenly , there is a predefined signal for everything to be happened.

In the same way market also creates a Price Action Signals before the major change or big moves are likely to be happen.We just have to understand the market signals and learn the idea of identifying the Price Action Signals.

I say identify the price action signal of the market before the big move is going to happen and trade accordingly. Therefore I say the beginning of trend is your friend.

Always Trade with the Flow of Market. Go with the trend you will be successful.

Happy Trading.

If you are interested to learn Jayant’s  LIFE  CHANGING  PRICE  ACTION  TRADING  COURSE  and  finding  HIGH Probability trade setups  in COMMODITY , NIFTY , BANKNIFTY and CURRENCY then just check my  PRICE ACTION COURSE . Take your Trading to the NEXT LEVEL using  PRICE ACTION STRATEGY.

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