Don’t be in any kind of expectations of knowing about all the good faces of trading , as you need to know about all the other side of the trading also.

Today I will discuss on what are the actual facts , which will take your trading to the next level and to get continuos success in trading.

These 5 trading tips are the ones , which you will hardly find in any of the trading websites or blogs and hardly described or said by any of the professional traders.

Today what I am going to tell you is the keys of the lock , to become a successful trader. Now let us see which those points are :-

Trading Requires Not Only Mastering The Market But Also Mastering Your Mind.

When I started my career in trading , I read only and only about mastering the trading plan in every websites and blogs , but then after entering the market and experiencing it, I analyzed that along with mastering the trading plan , you also need to master in controlling your mind.

It’s really necessary to master the good trading strategy , but traders don’t realize that , it is not the only thing which they need to do for becoming a successful trader.

Along with that you also need to master your mind to avoid greediness and fear. You will not be able to become a successful trader until you get the control on your mind and become master in doing that in your trading.

Nothing depends on the market for your winning and losing , It just depends on your faith , self-control and practical thinking with regards to trade.

You Should Not Enter in Trading , If Your Focus is Only To Make Money.

Many of the people enter in the field of trading , with the greed of just making more money from the market as they think that , it’s really easy to earn money in the trading. But truly speaking those people never get success in the market.

Entering the market just with the goal of becoming rich , and eager to leave the jobs will cause you to just lose the money from the market , because your focus in on the wrong path.

To get the success from the market , you must really start enjoying the market and each and every aspect related to it such as price action, analyzing the charts , maintaining discipline , patience and trading plans for entering a good trade and exits.

This enjoying is nothing but mastering yourself and having a good self-control with positive attitude , developing a habit for not making money , but to trade properly will definitely give you money in your account even by not focusing on making money from the market.

Try to forget about your past trades.

I know it’s really easy to say , but very difficult to apply practically this type of attitude , but it is important to trade effectively in the market.

Every trader makes an effect of their last or previous trades on the current trades , due to which they start thinking emotionally and make mistakes.

For example if you have lose your past trade , then you start thinking that your trading strategy is not working out properly and get frustrated with the trades.

But you must think that , only one trade can’t decide anything , so you must not worry about it. The winning and losing in the market is decided by the series of trades in the market.

So from today make it as an important trading rule by not focusing and worrying about the single trade.

It Takes a Long Journey To Become Successful Trader Than You Think.

The entire fresher traders have targeted their time to gain a success in the market. Along with that they get involve in over-trading , over-thinking , over-risking for increasing their accounts profit.

These types of behavior are described as shortcuts in the market , which shows its real face at the end , by ultimately losing money from the market.

So it takes a long time to become a successful trader than you usually think of.  The best way is getting satisfied by the small profits and increasing by getting consistent small profits in your trading accounts.

Things to improve to remain successful trader

We all know that market is constantly changing each and every second , so if you are applying the same strategy every time it will not give you a consistent profit.

You also need to keep on changing your strategies along with the changes taking place in the market , for that the price action strategy is the best method to identify those changes.

The price action methods help to understand the changes and patterns formed by those changes it will let you know whether to trade or no.

So to know more about what price action all about you can join my  price action course.

Happy Trading.

Learn Jayant’s  LIFE  CHANGING  PRICE  ACTION  TRADING  COURSE  and  find  HIGH Probability trade setups  in COMMODITY , NIFTY , BANKNIFTY and CURRENCY . Check  Jayant’s  PRICE ACTION COURSE . Take your Trading to the NEXT LEVEL using  PRICE ACTION STRATEGY.