
Why is it so that , most of the traders fail in trading?  Is trading that difficult?

I think it can become hard when you don’t properly manage it. When you know how to analyze the charts and strategies its really easy to trade , but as we humans are so bad to keep patience to learn the market , so that’s the reason many of them fail.

We are usually doing things based on our egos for example , if you have open a Position in certain trade which had satisfy all your trading strategies and suddenly one of your friend calls you and tell you that market is going to act against you.

You will get panic due to your friend’s opinion and you will  exit that trade immediately, i.e. your ego which afraid you again and again, but if you take it as a business and believe in yourself you will never ever get panic by what others are saying.

Today we will be not focusing about our egos , but I’ll tell you about being passionate , and long term desires keeping in mind ,  can help you to become a successful trader.

This kind of attitude will really bring your trading to one step ahead in the life to become a successful trader.

You Should be Passionate for getting Success in Trading from your Heart.

I have experienced one thing that , only involving your brain in your work will give you a good performance but involving your hearts along with brain will give your best performance.

So in the same , you need to be willing with strong attitude of doing and never to die i.e. never to give up.

To be passionate is nothing but , being burning from inside to do well with your trades , without that insight feeling, no one can become a successful trader.

It not only applies to trading but each and every profession even if you are running a shop, you need to give your time, patience, need to keep politeness with the customers for letting them come to you lifetime.

In the same way trading along with your heart will never let you die in the market , because it gives you courage to get up and run in the race each time when you fall in the market , if you are passionate.

Love the trading.

Let me ask you  , do you really love trading?  If you say yes it means you really know what does being a trader means and if you are thinking before answering  , it means you have chosen a wrong profession for yourself.

Let me give you example that if you love someone that means , you except or love all wrong things as well as good things , whether that person makes mistake still you love him.

Same it goes for trading , if you love trading you should love each and every bit of trading and excepting all the drawbacks happily , without any hesitation with your passion , to keep on trading.

Whether you lose or win , it should not affect your love towards trading , need to also have same feelings for strategies , trading plan , and also to follow it rules and regulations , with a great thought of becoming a successful trader.

Need to know the reality.

In starting when you do job you don’t get increment , or the senior position directly , you need to show your desire to work , skills , which give you a slow and steady increment it nearly takes your year or sometimes even more time.

Same way to become a consistent profitable trader it’s really tough. It checks your desire , your attitude and if you have that in a right track than only you can become a successful trader.

Those traders who enter into the market with the goal of just making money from the market  , those are the most likely to make mistakes in the trading and become losers.

The main difference between the profitable traders and struggling traders is that profitable traders don’t run behind the money , whereas struggling traders gives more importance to money.

Money management , making proper estimation of risk to reward ratio is very important , these things cannot be neglected at all.

You need to analyze your proper situation in the market with which your heart and mind both being together agree for trading.

Even if you are passionate enough  , you have to face difficult times in trading which I really mean it , because those times will check your passion and desire to become a successful trader.

Concentrate on your trading with your whole heart involved in it that will drive your all force automatically to become a successful trader.

Last but not the least

Give your first preference to protect your capital in your trading accounts and than your second preference should be making profit from the market , with your love for trading.

To come out from your hard times you have to love your trading because loving your trading will not let you down even in your difficult times.

You will be easily recovered through your difficult times with your passion and love for trading.

Happy Trading.

Learn Jayant’s  LIFE  CHANGING  PRICE  ACTION  TRADING  COURSE  and  find  HIGH Probability trade setups  in COMMODITY , NIFTY , BANKNIFTY and CURRENCY . Check  Jayant’s  PRICE ACTION COURSE . Take your Trading to the NEXT LEVEL using  PRICE ACTION STRATEGY.

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