Language of the MarketDevelop-Your-Brain-e1375509782887

I think that everything in life has a certain language to express their emotions. Everything in the universe tells there story or can express their emotions in their own way.

In the same way market also has a language to express their emotions or to explain their story what the market has done and what it is going to do next.

Only thing is that a trader has to understand the language of market. The only way to understand the language of market is to learn the Price Action.

Price Action is the actual language of the market to speak with the Trader. Market clearly explain the whole story what it has done till now and what it is going to do the next in the Price chart using Price Action.

Trading Formula

Actually I think that there is no any universal perfect regular trading formula to trade the market to be a successful trader. But it doesn’t mean that there is no way to be successful in trading markets.

Understanding Price Action

The only way for successful trading is to understand the habits of market. Understanding the habits of market means understanding the Price Action. Market repeats the history. Study the past price charts of the market. You will find Market follows Support and Resistance periodically.

Central Idea of Market

It is observed that Market follows price action. If you understand the central idea of the Market or the movement of price dynamics then you can successfully trade the market with more accuracy.

Observation of Market

Trader should observe the market on daily basis to understand the market in detail. By observing the market on daily basis trader understands the market movement and establish some relationship with it. Market tells the story of price movement in detail on the price chart to the trader. To be successful in trading traders should develop a habit of observing the markets on daily basis so that they should be able to find the high probability winning trade set up.

Develop the habit of observing all the Markets you trade. Just read the price chart as if you are reading a book. Soon you will master the art of reading the price chart on daily basis which will make you successful. If possible make a trading journal and write down all the trade set up you trade and all the daily observation of the market. This will help you to analyze the market in depth.

This observation of Market will form your view and a bias on the market. Once you get confidence in reading the price charts and have your view and the bias you will trade the market with more accuracy.

So finally to understand the markets you should learn the price action. This will make you learn how market works and how the price changes. To learn the price action trading you can check here my Price Action Trading Course.

Happy Trading .

Learn Jayant’s  LIFE  CHANGING  PRICE  ACTION  TRADING  COURSE  and  find  HIGH Probability trade setups  in COMMODITY , NIFTY , BANKNIFTY and CURRENCY . Check  Jayant’s  PRICE ACTION COURSE . Take your Trading to the NEXT LEVEL using  PRICE ACTION STRATEGY.

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