
Unrealistic expectations may destroy your trading account very soon if you are not practically following the rules of trading.

Everyone likes to enjoy life and for that one needs to keep patience and wait for the right time as progress can be made step by step.

But now-a-days people want fast results in their life and they cannot wait.  Struggle is another thing , which they cannot afford to do.

Human tendency is always to wish and fulfill those wishes as early.  This hopes, wishes and expectations are one which leads one to become a corrupt and involve in corruption and bad habits , such being alcoholic etc if not fulfilled.

If your wishes get fulfilled quickly it gives a good feeling , but I can say that good feeling is not always good for us it’s going to form a one kind of bad habit for life long.

Same way in the trading also the expectations are the enemies which can lead to destroy your trading account because of lack of presence of mind and not thinking practically.

Expectation is a biggest enemy of traders.

Many of the traders aim to earn a large amount of profit from the market in a short period of time this is what leads to most of the traders to go through emotional disturbance.

The difference of money getting from the market and the money you expect causes emotional  disturbance if you don’t achieve it.

But it’s not at all markets fault ,  you should understand the market and realize that market can give a so much amount of profit only at a time.

You can’t go beyond the market limits and think of profit. Don’t aim to get the profit from the market as soon as your trade is executed. Give your time to the market to do its work.

As market can require a days or even weeks for a trade to close so during those days don’t get panic by the fluctuations of the market and don’t even move out of the trade due to that reason.

If  market turns into your favor at the end you will be really getting hurt through your action. So wait for the right time and don’t keep on judging the market every time after your trade is executed.

You must also think in a real terms of making profit and setting your profit goal on how far the market actually can go and not beyond that.

These types of practice will not destroy your trading account and help to become a successful profitable trader.

How to Find the Average Profit Range of The Market.

The Average profit range of the market can be seen clearly in the price action charts which will help to understand the market movement in the future days.

It gives the temporary idea of the markets price action and movements. Just see the next support and resistance areas of the markets on the price charts to see the next average movements of the market.

The Average profit range  does not give the exact value of the markets movement but it gives the clear idea of the markets movement within the recent times.

It is very important because it will help to know the range of money that you can expect from the market within the markets limit.

Average profit range  will not help you to fix your entry and exit in the trades but it will give you a clear idea of the of the markets movement that how to plan a trade and manage it.


Be ready to face the drawbacks of the trade before you enter in trading.

You need to keep the expectations real and not imaginary , which is practically impossible to get from the market.

Many of the traders get the loss of the 50% of the trades and sometimes even more but they keep patience in the market while trading , that’s the most important thing to become a successful trader.

The main important thing they are perfect in is management of money in the market so they don’t get panic like other traders easily.

Get into the trade when you are really not worried about losing or risking your money within comfortable limits , so for that , you need to have your proper position size before entering in the trades.

If you will accept the drawbacks of trade before entering the market then you will not feel that much bad after your trade  , because you have calculated your risk before entering the trade.

You have to just be patient without interfering in the market and letting the market to work out till your stop loss or profits.

Just stick to your trading plan and your trading account will be never let down in the market.

Happy Trading.

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