
Intraday trading in Nifty, Commodity and Currency is same as good as driving a car on the road. while driving a car on the roads there is always risk of accident.Same in the intraday trading there is always a HIGH risk in the market.

While driving a car risk is always there but still we use to drive a car to reach our destination safely. We follow all the rules and regulations while driving.

If we break one of the rules while driving then major accident may happen. Same while trading the markets there is always risk.But if you follow the rules of trading you will successfully trade the markets.

Actually if we talk about risk then life is full of risk. Tell me one of the task where there is no risk at all . Risk is everywhere whether it may be business or job or whatever it may be.

But if your risk is calculated then there is no need to worry.Same while trading the markets if your risk is calculated then you need not to worry. You can trade with no fear if your risk is calculated.

Many traders say that intraday trading is gambling.My opinion is that if you are following the trading rules and  money management then you are on the right path .

You should have a intraday trading strategy that works.If you don’t over trade and place proper defined stop loss then there is no need to worry in intraday trading.

If you follow Proper trading strategy with proper trading discipline and rules and proper risk management then you can win in intraday trading.

If  we buy a new car and we don’t know driving and if we try to drive the car without driving license and without proper knowledge of driving then it may happen an accident.

Same when the new traders enter in the market and if they don’t have the knowledge of  trading then there are maximum chances to fail in trading.

Traders does not understand the importance of learning the markets, they aggressively trade the markets to make more money without trading knowledge  and lastly wipe out there trading account.

This failure guys blame the market and the system but they just don’t understand why they failed in trading. They never find out the answer why they failed in trading.

For every profession in this world one has to take training and then practice, then only one can master his field. But traders think that there is a wastage of money to learn trading.

Actually your learning fees for trading is very less as compared to your stop loss.Once you learn and master the trading strategy you will achieve more targets and less stop loss which will take to you on the successful track in your trading career.

I myself when I started my career in trading I attended many training classes in Mumbai and all over India. I learned many useful strategies from many of the successful traders all over India.

I did practice using different strategies and observed the results.After struggling in trading career finally I found Priced Action Strategy which is really wonderful strategy in the trading world.

Most of the successful traders around the world use Price Action Strategy.

Intraday trading in Nifty,Commodity and Currency can be traded successfully using Daily Price Action Strategy which is very simple to understand.

Happy Trading

Learn Jayant’s  LIFE  CHANGING  PRICE  ACTION  TRADING  COURSE  and  find  HIGH Probability trade setups  in COMMODITY , NIFTY , BANKNIFTY and CURRENCY . Check  Jayant’s  PRICE ACTION COURSE . Take your Trading to the NEXT LEVEL using  PRICE ACTION STRATEGY.

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