Every Beginner Trader Should Know the Following Concepts before Trading.


Life is one type of journey with its ups and downs, sorrows and happiness, success and failure but we should always learn from our failure without getting disappointed from it.

It is totally risky for the beginners who directly jump into the markets without having any knowledge about the markets. So they always face many difficulties in the market for trading.

So for the fresher’s it is important to study the markets. You must always face failure with the positive attitude and think that it gives us another chance to think on mistakes and improve them.

But when it comes to trading, people don’t accept losses as their learning lesson and get disappointed. People being in a shock at that time due to losses, take much time to recover themselves from the shock state.

Thus before starting trading you need to know about the few basic concepts of the trading.

Don’t take it as a Project But take it as a Process.Forex-trading-is-a-process

Being a trader, is a life time process which is continuously being enhanced in its skill as time progresses and when you spend more of your time in understanding it.

It is important to know the concept of process because when you make mistake or loss you get depress, so you need to understand that it is a process in which you have to face such problems.

Projects are one which gets over in a certain period of time, but the process is one which keeps on going and you need to concentrate on the process more than just focusing your mind at profit.

By improving your concentration on process you will be able to overcome your stress and restlessness without taking it as a project.

Don’t focus only on profit.

You need to know the market situations very well before entering in the market as a new trader because without knowing the market conditions you cannot trade in the market.

But it is not at all necessary to know the market conditions just to make profit. You need to have the complete idea about the things in market which can happen.

If your aim is to just make profit then you constantly just think of it and become tense and frustrate because of market fluctuations.

Go for quality and not quantity.

As we know trading is the business of probablities. I define trading as the combination of more winning trades and less losing trades which results in success.

Generally we think that more we  invest more we earn but that is not followed in the trading markets.

In trading it does not matter that how much you invest quantitatively. By trading less also you can become a successful trader.

But it is very difficult concept to understand by the humans as their thinking is always opposite to this. So it is necessary to understand the concept of quality choosing rather than quantity.

Let the market make the first move.

For the beginners who start trading they think that profit can only be made by them if they make their move , so for them , it’s really required to understand the concepts before starting the trading.

But even a successful trader would not be able to make out the turning point of the market until it shows its move.

The market shows its move by changing the level of support or resistance in the price action. So it’s necessary to understand the market move and then making your move accordingly.

Once you start understanding the market moves , you become more confident and sure about your move which will decrease the risk of trading.

Need to keep patience.

What kind of person you are or how you behave on certain situation is totally depended on you, because it is you who choose to behave in that manner.

So you should never take it for granted especially in your starting days of trading. Experience traders always give importance to the quality of patience.

Experience traders have learned importance of keeping patience from their years of experience in trading. But beginners don’t give importance and continue doing trading.

To become a successful trader and also to take first few steps correctly in the market of trading it is necessary to keep patience.

For developing such attitude you need to take some efforts such as reading books on trading, attending training on trading.

Once you get that type of attitude for trading your outlook towards the trading will change completely. Patience is not about chasing trade but letting them to reach you.

Happy Trading.

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