Few Concepts which Every Beginner Trader Should Know before starting trading.

Every Beginner Trader Should Know the Following Concepts before Trading. Life is one type of journey with its ups and downs, sorrows and happiness, success and failure but we should always learn from our failure without getting disappointed from it. It is totally risky for the beginners who directly jump into the markets without having any knowledge […]

6 Behaviors to Be A Professional Lifetime Trader.

To become a successful trader is not very easy. It requires keeping patience, discipline and attitude which many of them don’t have and it’s difficult to develop. But every successful trader who trade continuously has a one thing in common i.e. to make money from the market continuously with the right kind of behavior. So […]

5 Techniques To Make Your Trading Methods effective.

  Techniques To Make Your Trading Methods effective. Focus on Higher Time Frames  There are different time frames for the market for Trading. Most of the traders are using different time frames to trade the market. I experienced too much of noise in the smaller time frames in the market while trading. Smaller the time […]

7 Common Trading Mistakes.

7  Common Trading Mistakes. Trade Without Learning the Markets. Most of the Traders enter directly into the profession of Trading without learning the basics and mechanism of markets. In trading you have a full liberty to do whatever you want. Traders are risking there hard earned money to earn big amount of money. But Many […]

5 Understandings to Simplify Your Trading.

Trading Strategy Should be Simple. What I realize from my experience that  trading strategy should be simple and easy to understand. When I started my career in trading I also used many complicated trading strategies using hundreds of indicators. When I was new in Trading I thought that complicated strategies which are not easy to […]

Top 8 Essential Points for Beginner Traders.

Don’t enter directly into Trading without learning the markets. Beginner Traders should never enter into the markets without understanding the operations of markets. I found beginner traders enter into the market without any logic’s or without any studies of markets. They follow others and get disappointed due to the initial losses made by them. Initially […]

Top Ten Habits of Every Successful Trader

1. Successful Traders Do Their Own Research. Top Successful traders do their own research before entering into any trade. They always enter into the trade where there are clear conditions. They do detail analysis of the past movement of market and find the best and clear movement product to enter the market. 2. Maintain a […]

Ten Biggest Reasons Why Most of The Traders Fail in Trading Business

Ten Biggest Reasons of Failure in Trading Business   Position Size  ( Lot Size ) I found most of the traders don’t take serious about their  lot size while trading. Actually Lot size is the main key in trading. Traders change their lot size frequently which is one of the Big reason of failure in […]

7 Reasons Why it is a Prestigious Profession to be a Trader.

No Need to Face Morning and Evening Punch and a Middle Lunch I experienced in Trading you are your own BOSS. In Trading Profession you work for yourself and not for any other company or organisation. You enjoy your life with full freedom. There is no any office timings and there is no any Boss […]

How Stop Loss Plays Important Role While Trading.

Traders generally hate to book the stop Loss and they always loves to book the Target. What is the use of stop loss in Trading ? Stop Loss always plays major role while Trading.I think whenever any thing is discovered in the universe and if  there is a dark part of that particular discovered thing, […]