How to Start Trading Career in a Correct Way?

How to Start Trading Career in a Correct Way

Have a Realistic Trading Plan One should have a realistic trading plan while trading the markets. Many traders expect unrealistic results from the market which is not good in trading. Before entering the market you should have a clear goal and mindset about your trade. You should be pre-planned for your entry and exit of […]

Ways To Grow a Small Trading Account Successfully

Ways To Grow a Small Trading Account Successfully

Almost every trader enters into a market with a small trading account and has a dream of making it bigger and bigger as time goes directly or indirectly by losing limited amount of money from the market. With the help of this article I will try to help you to my best and show you how […]

Secrets To Make Consistent Profit In Trading

Secrets To Make Consistent Profit In Trading

This article will help you to know the facts to pull consistent profits from the market. It is really true that even after learning a good strategy , if you do not have a right kind of mind set than you will definitely not be able to make money. Maintain a good psychological balance while trading […]

Tips To Stop Losing Money From The Market

Tips To Stop Losing Money From The Market

This article is basically for those who are on losing track in the share market in the present condition. Everybody lose money in the market in some or other way at different times , it is just a part of life of all traders. But if you are losing money on continue basis which you are not […]

Forget Previous Experience To Learn New Aspects of Trading

Forget Previous Experience To Learn New Aspects of Trading

If you want to really learn the market and its strategies then you have to keep your knowledge aside and must completely start learning as such that you know nothing about the market. But it’s really difficult to wipe out your knowledge , but it is very important because then only you can easily understand new strategies […]

Why Price Action Trading Is The Best?

Why Price Action Trading Is The Best?

Let me tell you all that I realize the truth about price action and its amazement after losing my valuable time, money and frustration in my starting days of my trading career. But as we know that even after failure we learn a lesson from it , in the same way I learned the good lesson about […]

Trading is a Professional Business Not a Casino.

Trading is a Professional Business Not a Casino

The one of the biggest and most common mistake made by the traders are they don’t take trading as a business but take it as a ride to a casino while some people take it as an addiction and just start trading without any reasons and logic. But in business you can’t afford to take decision under […]

What Would Be The Practical Thoughts Of a Trader.

What Would Be The Practical Thoughts of a Trader

We know that to achieve something in life or to plan our future we must set goals which makes us clear about our future or career. But I would like to say that when it comes to trade people make many assumptions of earning more and more in short period of time without thinking practically. For example […]

Top 5 Tips To Get Continuous Success In Trading.

Top 5 Tips To Get Continuous Success In Trading

Don’t be in any kind of expectations of knowing about all the good faces of trading , as you need to know about all the other side of the trading also. Today I will discuss on what are the actual facts , which will take your trading to the next level and to get continuos […]

The Perfect Way To Start Price Action Trading.

The Perfect Way To Start Price Action Trading

All the beginner traders make the mistake of analyzing the market in the opposite direction to them i.e. because they end up getting involved and studying many types of patterns together. In the beginning , the right kind of direction to think about the trade setups is not developed due to which they always lend up thinking in […]