
To gain a consistent profit from the market is the dream of each and every trader. As we know life is a type of journey which has many challenges, it can’t go smoothly all the time without facing the difficult times.

In the same way in trading the trader has to come across many challenges. But the trader has to overcome all those difficulties to become a successful profitable trader.

Trading may be difficult in the early times of learning but once you get the knowledge & become a consistent profitable trader you will really enjoy and have fun to trade in the market.

As life always tests the patience of a person by giving the difficulties in the same way one has to be patient and keep on going without avoiding the challenges.

You may not be profitable as you may be still learning about the trade and you may think that market is not always profitable.

To change your outlook or thinking in trading is also important. To gain a profit is a long way and tough journey in the market.

5 Causes of Not Getting a Consistent Profit To a Trader.

Not using price action

If you are in the market and want to invest to then the best way to know about the market is studying about the price action.

This will help you to get the past record of the different setups of the trade, its financial status through that you can make out its future status in the market.

It helps to get the clear idea of risk in the in the market & better setups for investment in the market. To study the price action is also really easy not so difficult.

Once you get close to the market conditions by observing price action you can gain a consistent profit from the market.

Not observing the markets.

You need to focus on more setups if you are trading for a longer time. As only choosing trade on small setups at a lower rate can help only those who don’t trade for a longer time frame.

As we know that being in the well frog thinks that it is the whole world but the truth is different. In the same way you need to come in contact to more and more setups but the most suitable from those may only be 5 to 10 in a month to trade.

So you need to calm yourself and should not be hurry. Patiently you need to observe the setups everyday and trade only in the best setups which suit you to gain a consistent profit.

Not having a proper Trading plans.

You cannot start building up your house without having any proper plan , you need to be pre-plan each and everything before starting.

In the same way to start trading you need to have a proper trading plan in which you need to master  your strategies then only you can make your career as a trader.

Always consider trades as your career because successful trader consider trade as a business for which all the decisions are taken practically keeping emotions aside.

You need to study the setups and then take a decision to trade accordingly. You can’t trade by keeping your eyes close and not knowing about the market conditions.

You need to have at least a rough idea about the outcome of the results in the trade. If you don’t think that a particular setup is going to work according to your plan then you should not take a risk to trade.

It’s better to keep your money safe with you then trading unnecessarily on faulty trade setups.

Higher expectations from the markets at a time.

One of the best ways to increase your trade and profit you should be expecting at least a 5-10% profit in a month according to the money in your account.

You will think that only this much profit will not satisfy your needs but when you’ll do so for longer period then only a consistent profit can be earned.

You can’t aim a large amount of money at a time from a market, make a goal of earning certain amount of money from the market in certain period of years then you’ll be a successful profitable trader.

Risking more than necessary.

You should invest in the setups in which the risk reward ratio should be such that the risk should not be more than half of the reward because in this way you can earn profit.

If you are trading in the setups which is having a risk more than the reward potential then you may fall in a huge loss & cannot earn a consistent profit.

You need to understand that more risking of money can’t give you a more profits.

Happy Trading.

Learn Jayant’s  LIFE  CHANGING  PRICE  ACTION  TRADING  COURSE  and  find  HIGH Probability trade setups  in COMMODITY , NIFTY , BANKNIFTY and CURRENCY . Check  Jayant’s  PRICE ACTION COURSE . Take your Trading to the NEXT LEVEL using  PRICE ACTION STRATEGY.

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